Anna’s new neighbor is a witch.
Anna tells her parents, but they don’t believe her – as if any grown-up would believe a ten-year-old girl who said that type of thing.
Besides, her parents are so busy fighting with each other that they barely seem to remember Anna even exists. If only they’d stop fighting and be nice to one another!
But perhaps the witch could help…by casting a love spell on Anna’s parents…
“The Lesson of the Love Spell” is in the Witches’ Brew bundle. You can learn more on BundleRabbit, Goodreads, and the bundle’s Facebook page.
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About the Author
Jamie focuses on getting into the minds and hearts of her characters, whether she’s writing about a saloon girl in the old west, a man who discovers the barista he’s in love with is a naiad, or a ghost who haunts the house she was killed in – even though that house no longer exists. Jamie lives in Colorado, and spends her free time in a futile quest to wear out her two border collies since she hasn’t given in and gotten them their own herd of sheep. She’s temporarily in between cats, and therefore sneaks them in to many of her stories.
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