It’s generally pretty easy to figure out which words to capitalize in a story title, but every once in a while there’s one word you’re not sure about, or else you’ve had one of those days where you keep making simple mistakes and you just want a sanity check. 🙂
Capitalization rules
There are a variety of approaches for capitalization of English titles here are some of the major ones.
- Chicago Manual of Style
General style guide. - APA style (American Psychological Association)
Used for writing journal articles and academic books. - MLA style (Modern Language Association)
Commonly used when writing papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities. - AP style (Associated Press)
Created for use by news organizations, but commonly used for all kinds of writing. - Wikipedia’s Manual of Style
Used for Wikipedia articles.
What capitalization tools are available?
Here’s a list of some useful tools.
- Capitalize My Title
Suports APA, Chicago, AP, and MLA styles.
- Headline Capitalization
Suports APA, Chicago, AP, and MLA styles.
- TitleCap
Supports AP and Chicago styles.
Allows you to force capitalization of any word five or more letters long.
- Title Case Converter
Support AP, Chicago, MLA, and Wikipedia styles.
Allows you to to specify that words in all caps should be left alone, and if you check the “Show Explanations” box it will explain why a word was/wasn’t capitalized.
- Plain English Campaign: Capital letters (British site with usage rules)
- Grammar Girl’s tips for capitalizing titles
- Rules for Capitalization in Titles of Articles
- Style guides

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