Following a cheating husband and his tarty blonde, PI Tiffany Waters witnesses the explosion of the lover’s motel. The police find only one body: the husband.
Now Tiffany must save her own husband from a mystery man who demands her photos of the lovers’ meeting. But how can two copies of the same photo be different? How can the blonde in the photo blink?
Love burns.
“Your Cheatin’ Heart” is in the Fantasy in the City bundle. You can learn more on BundleRabbit, Goodreads, and the bundle’s Facebook page.
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About the Author
Based in Toronto, Canada, Rebecca M. Senese writes horror, science fiction and mystery/crime, often all at once in the same story. Garnering an Honorable Mention in “The Year’s Best Science Fiction” and nominated for numerous Aurora Awards, her work has appeared in Fiction River: Visions of the Apocalypse, Fiction River: Sparks, Fiction River: Recycled Pulp, Tesseracts 16: Parnassus Unbound, Imaginarium 2012, Tesseracts 15: A Case of Quite Curious Tales, Ride the Moon, TransVersions, Deadbolt Magazine, On Spec, The Vampire’s Crypt, Storyteller, Reflection’s Edge, Future Syndicate and Into the Darkness, among others.
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