Story spotlight: “The Curse of the Soiled Doves” by Dale Hartley Emery

As California’s Department of Thaumaturgy battles a deepening drought, a mysterious force limits the flow of magic in downtown Sacramento.

Tasked to find an answer, Purvis Klemp—Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff of the Thaumaturge General of the State of California—must entertain all manner of crackpot theories.

When the latest crackpot offers the most outlandish theory of all, Purvis must struggle to keep his cool …

… And to keep his job.

“The Curse of the Soiled Doves” is in the Fantasy in the City bundle. You can learn more on BundleRabbit, Goodreads, and the bundle’s Facebook page.

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About the Author

Dale Hartley Emery writes fiction in a variety of genres, including fantasy, science fiction, and mystery. His short stories include Tailor’s Tears, Yantriel’s Privy, and The Last Whiskey Bacon Cheddar Burger at Saint Florian’s Abbey.

Dale has worked as a failed shoemaker, reluctant dairy farmer, and ruthless ice cream man. For several years he monitored the nuclear test ban treaty, making sure those pesky commies didn’t blow up the planet. (They didn’t.)

When he isn’t writing, Dale advises software teams and leaders about how to play nice together. Colleagues in Dale’s industry once created a special award for him for being reasonable.

Dale lives in California with his wife.

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