When Thalassa’s Children—the mer-like, genderless protectors of the ocean—experience the trapped and suffocating death of one of their own, a single member chooses to take action. Against the wishes of the collective mind.
But can a lone mer ever hope to convince the humans of what they have done to the ocean, in a language they will understand?
And will it be worth losing everything?
“We, the Ocean” is in the Beneath the Waves collection. You can learn more on BundleRabbit, Goodreads, and the collection’s Facebook page.
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About the Author
Alexandra Brandt spent most of her childhood dressing up in fairy wings and parading in front of the mirror telling stories to herself. Not much has changed – she still loves a good costume, and tells herself stories every day. Her short stories currently appear in Fiction River anthologies and your favorite ebook retailers.
When not spinning tales, reading, or debating worldbuilding details with her writer husband, she writes web copy and functions as a content marketer and graphic designer. She also dabbles in art, watches too many Sci-Fi TV shows, and welcomes any excuse to sit down and play tabletop games – from D&D to board games to cards.
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