What brings Rhonda (full-time assassin for hire), Lady Macbeth (part-time assassin and full-time librarian), and a kelpie (mythical sea-beast) to a dark wintry city alley?
What secret is hiding inside of the Salvation Army cauldron?
All of these answers and more are waiting for you in this short paranormal romance shoot-em-up story—written for readers who HATE to read romance.
“Kelpie Christmas” is in the Beneath the Waves collection. You can learn more on BundleRabbit, Goodreads, and the collection’s Facebook page.
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About the Author
Steve is a writer and an oral tradition storyteller; he learned the storytelling tradition from his grandfather, and regularly tells stories to in-person audiences ranging from 5 to 5,000 spectators. He writes horror, paranormal, dark fantasy, and ghost stories, and specializes in the fine old art of booga-booga.
Think of Steve as that old dude at the campfire spinning out ghost stories and weird adventures and the grand epic saga of how Thud the Second stepped out of his cave with nothing more than a rock in his fist and slew the saber-tooth tiger.
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