Just because you have an Amazon Author Central page doesn’t mean your page appears on all of the amazon.xx domains. But don’t panic! This is very easy to fix.
There are multiple Amazon.xx domains, but not all of them offer Author Central. This can and will change over time, so you’ll need to keep an eye on which domains do provide this option.
Here are the currently available Amazon Author Central sites.
Consider creating a profile on each of these sites.
Note that you don’t have to use the same content on each site, so if the French version of your bio contains a catchy French idiom, you can use that on your French profile and leave it off your German profile.
What to set up
- Create an account with each site if necessary.
Your existing Amazon Author Central credentials may work on the various international sites; if they don’t, you can create a new account for that country. - Your biography.
You can use Google Translate, or another translation program, to convert your existing page’s biography to the desired language. If you know someone who speaks that language, it’s definitely worth confirming that the text translated correctly. - Configure your social media feeds for each site. Check the allowed feeds, and adjust your settings accordingly. For example, one Amazon site might not offer integration with your author blog, even if the others do.
- Make sure to look at what content has/has not copied over. For example, my titles appear on my amazon.in author page, as does the video I posted recently – but my blog does not. Don’t assume something is/isn’t there – verify it.
(Note that India does not yet support Amazon Author Central pages – I just found it interesting that the video was there, but was not on my UK profile.)
Why set all this up?
You can have readers across the world, not just in whatever country you live in. Take advantage of this – and help your readers find you!!! 🙂

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