Bundle story: “All the Retros at the New Cotton Club” by DeAnna Knippling

Bernice had a good life with Bobby. She mighta been the second wife but to him she was number one. Then he died of cancer—something that not even the modern docs who could treat a ninety-year-old man to look like he was twenty-five again could cure.

Most of the money went to his kids. She’d get a house and enough to live really good on if she hosted an illegal copy of his A.I. for three years—his “ghost.”

It was almost like having him back. They could go to underground clubs and hang out with the other A.I.s who were slumming it with the living. She could see him, talk to him, feel his touch—

And hide him from the people who were lookin’ for him. And who mighta just found out where he was hidden…

“All the Retros at the New Cotton Club” is in the Haunted bundle. You can learn more on BundleRabbit, Goodreads, and the bundle’s Facebook page.

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About the Author

DeAnna Knippling is a writer, a parent, and an overthinker who boldly paranoids where no one has paranoided before. Her superpower is speed reading. She ghostwrites novels for fun and profit. She has an essay in the award-winning Women Destroy Science Fiction! collection. She has had stories published in Penumbra, Three-Lobed Burning Eye, Black Static, and more. Her latest novel, Alice’s Adventures in Underland: The Queen of Stilled Hearts, comes out of her obsession with all things Alice. She writes books for middle-graders as De Kenyon.

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