A heart-warming tale from Annie Reed, one of the founding members of The Uncollected Anthology, a quarterly publication of short fiction some of the best writers working in urban fantasy today.
Rolo, a diminutive, courtly peddler of tourist trinkets, has at long last found the woman of his dreams.
Unfortunately, she’s trapped in the belly of a brass pig.
In a world filled with magic, a man with none finds himself at a distinct disadvantage. Not that Rolo would ever let a little thing like that stop him. For even a small man can accomplish great things in the name of love.
“Rolo the Great” is in The Faerie Summer. You can learn more on BundleRabbit, Goodreads, and the bundle’s Facebook page.
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About the Author
Annie divides her time between writing short fiction (her first love) and novels in whatever genre strikes her fancy. Her most popular fantasy stories, including her Diz and Dee fantasy detective stories, are set in a fictional version of Seattle called Moretown Bay. She has two mystery series: the Abby Maxon mysteries featuring Reno private detective and single mom Abby Maxon, and the Jill Jordan mysteries about rural Nevada Sheriff Jill Jordan.
Annie’s background is as diverse as her writing. She’s been in a rock band, worked as a radio DJ, and taught tole painting. These days when she’s not writing, Annie spends her time in a law office working for a busy litigation attorney. She lives in Northern Nevada, and together with her husband and daughter, she shares her house with a number of high-maintenance cats. (Aren’t all authors required to be owned by cats?) A friend to backyard bunnies and kamikaze quail, Annie would probably befriend dogs, too, except they’d chase the rabbits.
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